BRlAN ECCLES (72) died at Nice on 23rd January. After some years as a district officer in Zanzibar and private secretary to the Sultan he became private secretary to Tanganyika governors Sir Edward Twining (1957 – 58) and Sir Richard Turnbull (1958 – 59). He was later seconded to the Tanganyika Broadcasting Corporation (1960-61) and then returned to Zanzibar as information officer in the British High Commission from 1962 to 1964. He helped to rescue British citizens during the revolution in January 1964. (Thank you Randal Sadleir for letting us know – Editor)

BISHOP ELEIWAHA MSHANA (75) the first bishop of the Pare Diocese and first local principal of the Makumira Theological College at Usa River, Arusha died on New Year’s Eve. Dr Mshana was awarded his doctorate Honoris Causa by the University of Wisconsin in 1991 on account of his extensive contributions to clarification of theological issues and pastoral practice in an African setting. He had also helped to put together a team involved in the translation of the Old Testament into Kipare – the Guardian.

Former Communications and Transport Minister ERNEST NYANDA (59) died in Johannesburg on 17th January. He had earlier held positions in the State Trading Corporation and been a member of parliament since 1985. From 1994 to ’95 he was Minister for Home Affairs. Several cabinet ministers attended the funeral close to his Busega, Mwanza constituency.

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