In conclusion, a citation from Canon Robin Lamburn’s newsletter, dated December 2 1976;
‘I must tell you briefly about two things that have happened since I wrote last. I duly went to Njombe for the meeting of the liturgical committee and came back by the Chinese Tazara railway. I was tremendously impressed by this. Not just the carriages and the line and the stations (for the first time in my life I was able to have a really good night’s rest in a train) but most of all by the African staff. From the highest to the lowest official they were all imbued with the spirit of public service; their greatest desire was that we should have the most comfortable journey possible; their courtesy was beyond praise. If that springs from the teachings of Mao Tse Tung…
Then I was able to join the party from England who went to Masasi for the Centenary Celebrations. It was wonderful to see so many old friends again … You will be able to see some of this and part of the great open-air service at Masasi on Granada ITV in one of their series, ‘The Christians’ (which will be shown next year).