The United Kingdom Development Programme in Tanzania: statement by the United Kingdom High Commissioner in Tanzania.
British Aid to Tanzania, all of which is in the form of grants, is provided under three main headings:
(1) Technical Cooperation is provided under a Technical Assistance Agreement signed in 1975. This envisaged an expenditure of £1 million a year but present expenditure is substantially in excess of this figure. At present we have about 25 Technical Co-operation Officers fully funded from UK and approximately 75 supplemented staff at the University and with ex-East African Community organisations such as the Harbours Corporation. It is expected that the TCO figure will double next year with the influx of experts for integrated regional development projects in Mtwara, Lindi and Tabora Regions. Training courses for Tanzanians 1n Britain are provided under an annual Training Grant. The Training Grant for 1977/78 has been estimated at £780,OOO, £521.000 of which will be for (about 200) new awards.
(2) Programme Aid. i.e. aid to finance imports from Britain to ease the balance of payments problem, has been allocated as follows,
– Grant (No.2) 1975 £2.5 million
– Grant (No.l) 1976 £5.00 million which was supplemented by a further £2.00 million specifically earmarked for railways
– Grant (No.l) 1977 £3.5 million.
(3) Project Aid has been allocated as follows:
– Grant (No.l) 1975 £10 million
– Grant (No.2) 1977 £25 million
The following projects have been identified:
– Farm Purchase. Approximately £1 million for purchase of a number of British-owned mixed farms in West Kilimanjaro for transfer to ownership of the National Agriculture and Food Corporation. Completed.
– West Kilimanjaro Re-equipment Project. £1 million over a period of 6 years for new equipment for the above farms. Initial order now placed.
– Dodoma Village Water Supply. £285,000 for providing clean water to 7 villages in the Dodoma region. Consultants now to be appointed to supervise implementation.
– Tabora Rural Development Project
(i) Roads Component. £2.47 million plus £364,000 Technical Assistance. Consultants have been appointed.
(ii) Land Use Planning – Technical Assistance of £1,405,000. The first members of the team hope to arrive in January 1978.
– TAFICO (Tanzanian Fisheries Corporation) – purchase of 3 fishing vessels. Original allocation of £110,000 increased to £160,000. Vessels have been ordered and should arrive early next year.
– Training for Maji (Ministry of Water) – Original estimate for £92,OOO for buildings, equipment and tools increased to £120,000. An advance order of equipment has been placed and a TCO Training Officer is awaited.
– Grain storage – Seasonal. £873,000 for construction of two go-downs at Songea and Makambako. Tender of construction firm recommended by the Consu1tants was above the cost budgeted for and London’s authority to increase the allocation is awaited.
– Grain storage – Strategic. £4,863,000 for 30,000 tonnes of storage capacity at Dodoma and 10,000 tonnes of storage capacity at Shinyanga to be built by 1979. Subject to a review of requirements by both Governments a further 10,000 tonnes of storage capacity should be completed at Shinyanga by mid 1981.
– Upgrading of Songea-Makambako Road. Pre1iminary consultancy under way and final decision on UL contribution to be made early 1970.
Southern Regions Plan Support. It has been agreed that in future British development projects will be concentrated primarily in the southernmost regions of Lindi and Mtwara. A team of plan support officers will be recruited to reinforce existing regional planning capacity, and it is our intention that this team will at the same time help to identify a succession of capital projects for UK funding.