Issue 9 cover

Bulletin of Tanzanian Affairs No. 9 – January 1980

Editor’s Note
Speech by President Nyerere at a dinner for diplomats in Dar es Salaam
Tanzania’s Negotiations with the I.M.F. – Reginald Green
Analysis of ‘Review of the National Economy’ 1978/79 – Randal Sadleir
Notes on Current Issues
Summary of Report on ‘Appropriate Technology for Grain Storage’ – John Arnold
Digest of Tanzanian News – Graham Mytton
Book Review – Terence Ranger
Book Notes

Information for the Bulletin

There is an increasing amount of information being published about Tanzania but the number and variety of the journals which are liable to publish articles or notes makes monitoring difficult. I would very much like to hear from anyone who takes or regularly sees a publication which is likely to carry information on Tanzania, and who would he prepared to do any of the following:

Inform me when articles, etc. concerning Tanzania are published Prepare a summary of the article (with or without a commentary) Loan their copy of the journal to someone willing to write a summary or review.

The journals which should be first priority for monitoring are:
Africa Research Bulletin
Africa Confidential
Africa Business
New Africa
but there are many others which contain occasional or specialist items.

I would also appreciate any items of news or comment which members receive from friends or contacts in Tanzania. Books and even articles may he based on information which is several years out of date by the time it appears in print. If members of the Society are to be in a position to reply to the sometimes uninformed and hostile comment on Tanzania which appears in sections of the British press, we need our own sources of up to date information. An example of how isolated pieces of information can he put together is the ‘Notes on Current Issues’ section of this issue of the Bulletin, which has been compiled from Tanzanian newspaper reports, supplemented by comments of visitors from Tanzania. I hope that it will be possible to continue this section in future issues.

Department of Adult Education, The University, SOUTHAMPTON S09 5NH

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