I am currently working on a research project looking at the role of medical missionaries in colonial Tanganyika. I am attempting to write a history of the medical missionaries -how and why they joined, their interaction with both Tanzanians and the colonial government and experiences of ‘indigenous medicine’ amongst other things. I would love to hear from any ex-missionaries who had any experiences of working in the medical field and any other medical workers who had dealings with medical missionaries. If you feel that you may be able to help me in my research please get in touch with me.
Dr. Michael Jennings, TheWellcome Unit for the History of Medicine,
45-47 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6PE


I was pleased to see the review of ‘East African Expressions of Christianity’ in the last issue of Tanzanian Affairs but very disappointed that you failed to include the fact that it is published in Dar es Salaam by ‘Mkuki wa Nyota’. Could you please note in the next issue that, thanks to the University of Wisconsin, the price in Tanzanian shillings will be surprisingly accessible.
James Currey

I was most interested to read Ben Rawlence (TA No 63) saying hujambo is a contraction of huna jambo; I always thought it was the 2nd person singular, negative verb prefix, or is huna another form of it? Hence, having said Hujambo?, the other replies Sijambo!, or, if replying (also on behalf of others, Hatujambo!. If you are greeting more than one person you say Hamjambo? The 3rd person greetings would be Hajambo? (sing.) and Hawajambo? (plural), with the same answers, but these forms I have found to be rare in conversation, with people more likely to say Habari ya Mzee Saidi? or whatever, rather than Mama Ngina, hajambo?

I suppose all the above could be styled in the plural, ego Humambo?, though I’ve never heard the plural form used, except on its own -Mambo?

I was glad Rawlence gave the correct translation of the word jambo. It has gone down in history as meaning “hello”. I wonder how many magazines and such-like around the globe, given the title or part-title Jambo, would have been so-named had the producers realised the word’s true meaning.
A D H Leishman, Westdene, South Africa.

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