Some 50 Tanzanians renounced their citizenship and acquired foreign nationality in 2009/2010 as the national laws do not allow dual citizenship, the Guardian on Sunday reported. The Citizenship of Tanzania Amendment Act No. 6 of 1995 prohibits dual and/or multiple citizenship and the time and manner to renounce foreign citizenship (in the case of a person with dual citizenship). Minister for Home Affairs, Lawrence Masha told Parliament in July that the government had decided it was not the right time for dual citizenship and was working on the possibility of establishing permanent residency instead. He added: “The country needs the Diaspora as much as they need the country, more so as their number continues to swell.” But the government has on several occasions recognised Tanzanians in the Diaspora as among the country’s economic development stakeholders, promising to support and facilitate their stay and return from abroad. The Diaspora community remittances last year were estimated at $14 million.

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