Donovan (second left) in conversation with Princess Anne

Donovan (second left) in conversation with Princess Anne

Tanzanian Affairs co-editor Donovan McGrath was invited to Buckingham Palace on 11 March to receive a Butler Trust Award from Princess Anne in recognition of his work with Radio Wanno, Wandsworth Prison’s community radio station. Together with fellow radio tutor Simon Sujeewon and project manager Kevin Field, Donovan runs a Radio Production course for inmates. This course is oversub­scribed and has the best attendance record of any course at the prison.

The prisoners learn how to use sophisticated audio editing software and develop their literacy and IT skills while writing scripts for radio programmes. Many have barriers to learning, such as dyslexia, language problems and learning difficulties, or are tackling addiction, but at the project they find friendship and support as well as learning new skills. Students have credited the programme with giving them ‘endless opportunities’ and changing their mindset.

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