Bulletin of Tanzanian Affairs
Issued by the Britain – Tanzania Society
No. 16 JANUARY 1983
1. The administration of justice – John Arnold
2. Changes in the constitution of the Party – J. Roger Carter
3. Two letters from Tanzania:
J.P. Orasa on Tanzania’s food problem
Bishop Briggs: first impressions on returning to Tanzania
4. Expatriate ‘islands’ in Tanzania – Silu Pascoe
5. The ‘bus and coach industry – Peter White
6. Five years of CCM government (address to the National Conference of the Party, 20th. October, 1982) – Julius Nyerere
7. Book review:
Bwana Myombekere na Bibi Bugonoka na Ntulanalwo na Bulihwali: Aniceti Kitereza – N.M. Mulokozi
8. Digest of Tanzanian news – Graham Mytton
We have devoted a substantial proportion of this issue to a summary, with extracts, of the address given by President Nyerere to the National Conference of Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) on ‘Five years of CCM government’. The speech is concise and to the point, but too extensive for us to reproduce unabridged. Nevertheless, it deserves to be read in full as a sequel to his ‘Ten years after the Arusha Declaration’ given at the first National Conference and founding of CCM. It is an account of the problems that have beset Tanzania since 1977, the progress that has been achieved despite these problems and the policies now being adopted to stabilise the economy and provide a basis for recovery. The extracts illustrate the renewed emphasis being given to the policy of self-reliance and the development of agriculture. In practical terms, this means new priority for soil conservation, reafforestation and all aspects of maintenance, particularly of vehicles, mechanical equipment and roads.
The two letters are a welcome source of information and personal impressions. One is from a Tanzanian Agricultural Officer adding to Roger Carter’s article on ‘Tanzania’s food problem’ (Bulletin No.15) and the other is from Bishop George Briggs, who served as a priest in Tanzania, mainly in the Masasi diocese, from 1937 to 1973 and has recently returned to Tanzania on retirement.
In the issue of January, 1982, (Bulletin No.14) we carried an account of the long struggle to publish a novel depicting traditional Tanzanian village life written by Aniceti Kitereza. This book is now available from the Tanzanian Publishing House and we are very pleased to be able to print a review of it by Mr. Mulokozi of the Institute of Kiswahili Research.
At the time of writing there has been no report of a conclusion to the negotiations between the Tanzanian Government and the International Monetary Fund for financial support to enable Tanzania to deal with the crisis in its economy. It appears that negotiations are continuing and we hope to have a report for the July issue.
John Arnold
Department of Adult Education, University of Southampton, Southampton S09 5NH