The Chancellor of the University of Dar es Salaam, President Mwinyi, has announced that the University will reopen on January 1st 1991 for students who were expelled in May 1990 to enable them to finish their studies. It is likely that fresh students will be able to join the university in October 1990. The Chancellor has however ordered the expulsion of 13 students for their leading role in the earlier unrest. He directed that eight other students should be given stern warning for ‘utterings and conduct associating them with the instigation.’ Expelled students may re-apply for admission one year after the university reopens. Their applications will be determined by their behaviour during the one year period. Among those awarded honorary degrees on December 1st were Mr Amon Nsekela, who was made a Doctor of Literature.

The former Chief Minister of Zanzibar, Mr Seif Shariff Hamad, who has been charged with possession of secret state documents has a case to answer said District Magistrate Taratibu Adama who has been conducting a 17 month Preliminary Enquiry. Mr Hamad has been committed for trial in the Zanzibar High Court – Daily News.

The Government has foiled a plot to burn the Ministry of Education Headquarters building in Dar es Salaam – one of the most beautiful structures in the city. The aim of the plot was to destroy evidence for the alleged theft of Shs 40,224,436 between May 1988 and April 1989. The Principal Secretary of the Ministry announced that 125 workers had been sacked and that 86 of them would be appearing in court for the alleged theft. Those sacked included a chief accountant, a senior finance management officer, six teachers, 73 accounts personnel and stores assistants, 42 personal secretaries, registry assistants, office supervisors and typists and two artisans.

The crimes include false imprest claims, night allowances, meal allowances and entertainment allowances. Some secretaries were being paid travelling allowances when they did not travel. The drama began on the weekend of October 13th 1990 when the Ministry’s building was surrounded by armed policemen. Some of the accused persons are still missing.

A month later the Home Affairs Minister, Mr Augustine Mrema, announced that the government had formed a 16-man task force of Senior Investigation Officers to deal with the scandal – Daily News.

President Mwinyi has set up a Presidential Commission to monitor peoples’ views on the political system most suited to Tanzania. The Commission is to be known as the ‘Presidential Commission on Single or Multi-Party, 1990.’ Daily News.

One hundred and ten year old retired Alpine guide Mzee Yohana Kinyala Lauwo, probably the oldest man in Tanzania, has been given a replica of the British Empire Medal given to him by the British Government in 1958. He got the original medal after rescuing British mountaineers in difficulty on the mountain but the medal was stolen by thieves a few years later. The British High Commissioner, Mr Thorold Masefield, made the presentation at the Regional Commissioner’s office in Moshi – Daily News. Mzee Lauwo became famous as the person who led Hans Meyer up the mountain in 1889. The full story was given in Bulletin No 35 – Editor.

Prime Minister and First Vice-President John Malecela has sent a congratulatory message to John Major on his appointment as British Prime Minister. Mr Malecela said the good relations which exist between Tanzania and Britain and their two peoples are based on a strong foundation. “It is my genuine desire to work very closely with you in consolidating and enhancing these relations for the benefit of our present and future generations” he said – Sunday News.


Mr Malecela, who, since taking up office again in Tanzania. has pursued a vigorous programme of work himself with meetings, speeches and travel all over the country, has warned that he will not hesitate to take punitive action against public officials violating civil service regulations. Apparently setting the standards of his new leadership, he said, in Dodoma, where he received a warm welcome, that he would start by dealing with leaders and other top civil servants. He emphasised accountability and gave as an example reporting time for duty in government offices. He noted that senior officials, even though they had cars, were setting a bad example. “Don’t be surprised if leaders like regional commissioners are sacked” he said – Daily News.

The Registrar of Companies has cautioned companies seeking to invest in the country under the National Investment Promotion Policy (Bulletin No. 37) that they must abide by the provisions of the Companies Ordinance. The new policy did not repeal the company law he said.

There are great discrepancies between the investor’s registered authorised capital and the costs of projects expected to be undertaken by the firms under the National Investment Policy. According to a list of investors released to the press recently, most of the firms that intend to invest in a wide range of agricultural and industrial projects are local companies. And most of these applied for ventures whose costs greatly exceeded their registered authorised capital – Daily News.

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