CANADA -Shs 45 million for aid to bomb victims in Dar es Salaam. IRELAND -a multi-million shilling 12-year development programme (Shs 165 million in the first year) to support various sectors, to be identified, in Muheza, Tanga District. OIL PRODUCING AND EXPORTING COUNTRIES (OPEC) and the AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT FUND -$6 million (Shs 4 billion) for the Mtukula-Kigoma Road. USA -$125,000 for medical supplies at Muhimbili Hospital following the bomb blast. UNDP$454,000 for prevention and control of AIDS. NORWAY -$3 million to boost the multilateral debt fund. BRITAIN (during a four-day visit by International Development Minister Clare Short (from August 25) -Shs 66 billion for debt relief and the Civil Service Retrenchment Programme for the period 1998-2001. BRITAIN has also granted $110,000 to the Mwalimu Nyerere Foundation to facilitate the peace efforts in Burundi. FINLAND Shs 1.7 billion for the third phase activities of the East Usambara Catchment Forestry Project and for Management of the Amani Nature Reserve. The EU -Shs 1.6 billion to strengthen the capacity of the East African Cooperation Secretariat in Arusha. USA -$50 million for people and infrastructure affected by the August 7 bombing of the US Embassy. NIGERIA -$100,000 also for aid to bomb victims. The AGA KHAN FUND -Shs 45 million to facilitate relocation of an army site to make way for a new Serena beach hotel in Zanzibar.