MAJOR BRUCE KINLOCH (90), who was born in India, was awarded the Military Cross while fighting in Burma during the Second World War and later served in Kenya before becoming Chief Game Warden in Tanzania from 1960 to 1964. He launched the College of African Wildlife Management at Mweka before retiring, and wrote several books on the fight to save East Africa’s herds of game.
BERNARD VERDCOURT who has died aged 86, was a botanist at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew for several years. He also made contributions to two distinct fields of East African natural history. He was responsible for almost one third of the great ‘Flora of Tropical East Africa’ which covers 12,500 species. He was also, unusually, an expert on non-marine molluscs – snails and slugs. He began his distinguished career at Amani in Tanga Region under the eminent botanist P J Greenway. Thank you John Sankey for sending this and the one above from the Daily Telegraph – Editor.
PETER YEO died on 30 July at his home in Leicestershire. He served as a District Officer in Mwanza and Musoma from 1959. During his interview for the job he was asked what changes he anticipated if Tanganyika became independent. Not in his life time was the answer. It happened after 18 months! Later, in Tanga Region he trained local courts officers and after leaving Tanzania he worked at the International Co-operative Training Centre, Stanford Hall. The Plunket Foundation published his book on Cooperative Law and one on basic Economic Concepts. He wrote for Tanzanian Affairs on various developments in the then highly influential cooperative movement. Thank you Marlene Yeo for this – Editor.
Dr Hildebrand Shayo, Senior Lecturer (OUT) and Fund/Asset Manager- NICOL National Investment Company Limited (with John Nyoka) has sent us a tribute they have written on the distinguished journalist who contributed so much to broadcasting in Tanzania and Africa, DAVID GERALD WAKATI, who died in November. Extracts: “David had a glorious record of service to the country and press. He was not only a gifted presenter; he was also a brilliant orator who spoke with frankness, and with a very good sense of humour. He will be remembered for his commitment to the cause of excellence in journalism and his contributions to promoting the freedom of the press in Tanzania. We really have lost a true champion of the highest traditions of Tanzanian journalism.
“Do you remember the stamina he had in broadcasting? He broadcasted the whole night while the body of former Prime Minister Edward Sokoine was in Karimjee Hall where people were paying last respects. Personally I knew David Wakati in the late 50s when I was in middle school. His morning BBC news bulletin in Swahili was to us a time keeper. Once it was finished we would rush to school to be on time. If you were late, before you got the lashes, the teacher would shout at you, “didn’t you hear David Wakati this morning?”